March 28th, 2024

Wound up spending all of my shift today just working on reports, was planning on splitting my shift between reports and the training but someone wanted to use the license so I decided to just switch to training when I got my backlog of work done. And then I didn't get the backlog done, so.

Little more progress in Episode 9 in Arknights, I vaugely know the plot just by skimming the episode summaries on the wiki but it's still another thing to see it actually play out. Focus is mostly there but it was a little split between that and listening to an album (which I still have yet to do xwx) and tbh the energy wasn't fully there either. Episode 9 is pretty short though, Episode 10 is even shorter but is a bit meatier plot-wise (and much more relevant to the wider plot of the second arc). Also I have just now seen Hoederer's haircut as an NPC in arc 2 and what the actual hell is. It's honestly probably the best of his three designs besides the hair, but I cannot get over that haircut.